Old 07-17-2013, 05:38 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 476

Magnets! That's brilliant! I also like how the oil holes are lined in red. Cloth timing belt -- that sounds terrible. I don't even know what a timing belt is. Where should I look for it -- above the needle area? Yes, $500 is really high. He had serviced it, though. But I didn't see any extras like a manual or accessories. And he had a somewhat defensive rap about it, and no details like what kind of needle or bobbin it takes. The seller of this machine is asking $20, but that was before he plugged it in and found it didn't work. Maybe he's lowered it to $10. The main problem with getting the machine is that I have to schlep a suitcase on the subway, and then carry it up and down a lot of stairs on the way home and I'm sure it's heavy. (I live in a city -- no car.) Plus, I have too many machines already and not enough room. Right now I don't even have a place to spread out and work on it. But I really wanna play with it! But that timing belt is scary, I must admit.
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