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Old 07-24-2013, 09:56 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 55

Nancy, I really can ay which machines at this point.. I switch around to much. LOL...

I do know it's between that pink atlas, whatever that 15 clone was that I gave away. The treadles I have been using are that Toyota and my homemade hacker singer 15 - ?. The electric's I do use are pfaff 130 , then a 237 , 15 - 88 , 15 - 91 , any time I need to get sometime done quick it's the 301. Then on quilts that I don't have photo's of I've used a kenmore , dressmaker , a Elgin , all the other treadles which there's to many of those to write out all the names LOL..

Then to put them together it's between a 31 -15 and that 15 - 88 ..

All the fabric came from places like salavtion army or st vinny or mostly yard and estate sales. The estates where sad to see, This is where I bought huges bags and boxes stuff full of new fabric at prices like 2 and 4 $ per bag

What was sad, 3 estate sales, I knew who each lady/ family was, each was just over 90 yrs old..To go into there homes and see what they did in the way of sewing. What was left of there lifes collection..I also bought treadle machines at each sale..

At the start of this my mom died, I had my choice of her sewing stuff , I look back now , doing so many quilts , It ma have been my way of letting these people know there life will be remember, That there toys ( fabric ) went to a very good use. And it gave me some thing to do , LOL, Doing this really does help keep you warm during those cold winters, quilting aking size on a home type machine is a work out.

I'm amazed at the work and skill it takes to make a really nice quilt, I will never get that far ,,
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