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Old 07-24-2013, 10:13 AM
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Ok, I hit a little snag. I discovered that when only sewing a small section together, the tut at the beginning works real well.

I found it easier to work on this quilt, because it is so much bigger, this way. I found that when sewing the hexes edge to edge much easier, if I didn't start at the beginning of the seam I just skip a bit down, it doesn't have to be an exact 1/4 inch. This way when you are sewing the next edge of the hex ( the next row that is set in), I can see, and it does line up better and I still stop at the seam like the tut at the beginning.

I found that sewing edge to edge, when the second row is added, and where the set-in normally occurs, was a bit off. So by just leaving it a bit open, it made the fit better.
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