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Old 07-30-2013, 09:07 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 1,991

We are all members of this board and share the same trait- we love fabric! I have been collecting it for fifty years and yes I have a lot but I refuse to feel guilty about it. I use it and enjoy it and turn out some pretty neat gifts. It has always been my sanity saver and was much cheaper than cigarettes, gambling or alcohol. Much of it was given to me or picked up very inexpensively at garage or rumage sales or in the $2 a yard tent at Len's. I have it corralled in large stacked Rubbermaid bins and frequently sort and rearrange it as I use it. I also share it and make numerous donation quilts. Will I ever use it all? Who knows but my daughters know what to do if I am ever not able to sew. They are to take anything they want and give the rest to my quilt guild. Our guild recently sold off Joan"s stash after she passed and raised $16000 to go to a cancer centre and to be used for some guild projects. I think that there are a lot of worse things than being a "fabric collector" (sounds better than a hoarder).
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