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Old 11-24-2009, 08:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Originally Posted by Sandy1951
In the bottom pic it looks like she's just daring you to try to make her move. :D

My cats NEVER do anything wrong. They never sit or lay where they're not wanted, such as on the sewing machine, or the cutting board, or right under my chin on my chest between my face and the book I'm trying to read, or on my chest blocking my view of the television, or on the cable box in the bedroom, or on my pillow, or DH's pillow, or on the dining room table. They never try to get on my lap when I'm, um, well, going to the bathroom, or lay in the sink when I'm trying to wash my face, or climb into a basket of clean laundry fresh out of the dryer. They never slip between the slats on the mini blinds so they can sit in the window and look outside. And of course they'd never, ever break said slats to get them out of the way so they have a nice large hole to crawl through to look out the window. And they never throw up on our bed, over and over, or on the dresser (that the cable box is on), or in my shoes, or in a basket of clean, freshly washed clothes or sheets. And they never all lay on me at once when I'm in the recliner, one on my chest, one on my lap, and one on my legs, so that I can't possibly move without upsetting them.

No, my cats NEVER do any of those things.

Yeah, right!
Sure......I believe you........not. :D :D :D
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