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Old 07-31-2013, 10:51 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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nhweaver - you are so cute! Write the date that you said that you won't be getting any more fabric (for future reference!). If you are able to stick to that, you are a better woman than I!!! I have 57 UFO's, am working on 6 BOMs for this year, and took a couple of weeks to reorganize my stash closet. My husband says that if I live three lifetimes I will not even get CLOSE to using all my fabric (sadly, he's right! But that doesn't mean I won't try!!). I determined that I would not buy any more fabric. Well, then I went to Ohio and Michigan for vacation and HAD to buy fabric as remembrance of my trip. Then I went to Colorado, with the same thinking. In addition, the two LQS's that were close to my home closed, so yesterday a friend and I ran errands and went to a LQS about a half an hour from here...well, I HAD to buy fabric, because who knows WHEN I'd get back there again...sigh.
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