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Old 08-01-2013, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by homebody323 View Post
I agree, very cute. People never want to pay what things are worth in time and materials. I have long since given up that idea. I started in '80 with a small craft business in California - did a few shows and sold enough to break even.I did have a lady stand right there in front of me and take apart a cute little basket pincushion and then stuff it all back together and say "just wanted to see how you did it so I could make some myself". I would probably price the cute animal at about $28. Something about $30 says too much. Price one - if it sells fast - too cheap. If it doesn't sell - put it on sale. Then decide if you really want to do it. The eyes concern me as a potential law suit. It's amazing that the smaller neighbor child of the girl who gets this can pull the eyes off - choke on one of them and you get sued. I see the longarm in the backround. How about making some table runners from scraps, some baby quilts using the 3 for 1 method and elimate the risk and all the time involved in the cute animals? A pile of xmas or regular table runners at a fall craft show might prove to be a better money maker - less storage and transportation problems, less risk. If you are going to make quilted items and have to buy fabrics - consider taking a look at Marshalls Dry Goods. One of my favorite websites. Good luck.

As far as the safety eyes are concerned, I could choose to embroider eyes on instead. And as of yet, people seem MUCH more interested in buying stuffed animals or plushies than quilts or table runners.

I've been trying to sell quilts for approx 4 years and have only sold 3 baby quilts and one full-size quilt. I've been sewing stuffed creations for approx 2 years, and have had dozens of people want to buy them, but I didn't have a price.
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