Old 08-02-2013, 05:05 AM
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Location: Cody, Wyoming
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MORNING QUILTIES! I am listening to 10,000 birds chirping in the front hedge. you cant see them but boy can you hear them and they are so sweet they start singing about 4 am. how lucky! uh not. ok its alright you get used to it. I used to live in the woods and these tiny itty bitty tree frogs made a heck of a racket so this is .. just a racket. Coffee is ready so come on over, anyone want Danish? wish I was making those for a few of you! ok ALL OF YOU not excluding anyone see I can play fair!

Tlambing you were hiding the wine from me because? you know I come with straws??? lol hope you enjoyed your wine and your ideas got better by the end of that glass! sounds marvelous. pumpkins I am all about leaves and pumpkins .. I collect glass pumpkins they are so pretty. could keep them out all year but then well where would the valentines stuff and the fourth of July stuff and of course.. well you get the idea.

Dustysmomma you get an award! you went INTO a fabric store and left with nothing. I will call it the WHAT WERE YOU THINKING AWARD! let me help you shop next time as apparently I have no issue with it. I just ordered some clearance fabric from craftconn.com and some tina givens stuff was 1.18 a yard or some ridiculously low price. also got me some turkeys however.. every woman in her right mind needs those. and that yard of skunk fabric was so adorable I had to have some of that too.. and well I did much better than you did shopping. 8 yrds of fabric shipping included 24.00 so not bad. it was the skunks that did me in. now I want the beaver and the squirrel fabric that matches backyard critters or something is the line. way too cute. beware I see a runner in the future for those fabrics.
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