Old 08-08-2013, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 81

I have a Sapphire 830 (the lowest version), and I absolutely love it. What I really like: the needle up/down; the automatic pressure foot that will go down with a touch of a finger or a foot; the ability to lift the pressor foot just a tad if you need to turn, the large harp, and the decorative stitches that I use far more often than I thought I ever would, and wish that I had more. Yes, the feet are expensive; but I think I will always own a Viking, so I consider the feet an investment for the rest of my life. I live in Hungary, where there is no reliable Viking dealer, so my machine has never had a tuneup in the 6 years that I have owned it. I keep it well cleaned of lint, and it still sews like a dream. As soon as we move back to the States, it *will* get a tuneup! Love it, love it, love it! Carolyn
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