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Old 08-08-2013, 11:26 AM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Shropshire, UK
Posts: 32
Default Seam allowance is different

Hello ,

I picked up a book in a discount shop in the UK called 'Quilting In No Time' by Emma Hardy. Great I thought, now I can just follow the steps and make something nice. Well, I have looked at it 'properly' and not just a flick through before I bought it and realised that she has made the patterns with a 1/2" seam allowance.

Whaaaa!! I thought that all quilting was made with 1/4" and I have just bought a sewing machine foot exactly for this purpose. What should I do If I want to make the projects from the book with 1/4" instead of the 1/2"?

Is this a stupid question....
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