Old 08-09-2013, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by grandmahoney View Post
I am in need of recipes for my mother who lives with me. She is 84 years old and she will not eat any kind of meat at all. She also does not like pasta at all. And will not drink ensure or boost. Yes I have had her to the doctor but my mom is a very stubborn person and once she makes up her mind she doesn't change it. They can't help her if she won't listen. (And getting her to go to a doctor is very hard). So I am looking for recipes that has good protein but no meat. So if anyone has a recipe that they have tried and taste good I would really appreciate them.
I can understand her not wanting to eat meat. The older I get the less I want meat. It seems to take too long to digest & if in the evening, I have a hard time getting comfortable at night. I get my meat as seasoning in soups & veggies. I do drink an ensure clone (walgreens brand) daily - the + version - about 350 calories. I really don't have any recipes - my DD does most of the cooking now, but I eat a lot of fresh fruits & veggies, homemade soups, beans & rice, etc. Also yogurt daily. We must be doing something right, because I am starting to gain back some of the weight I lost. I eat oatmeal or other hot cereal most mornings, but have an egg a couple of times a week. I do like bacon (who doesn't -lol) or a small piece of ham with my egg. Another thing I do is instead of eating 3 big meals a day, I eat small amounts several times a day. I also eat nuts of some kind every day - either in my breakfast cereal or just get a handful to snack on. DD doesn't really cook any different for me than she does for her DH & herself - just makes sure that there is a balanced meal on the table & I pick & choose what I want. I think the secret for me was to not eat too much at one time & to always have some sort of healthy snack available.
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