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Old 08-12-2013, 03:37 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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Default Has anyone made their own sewing desk?

Yesterday my husband, father in law and I worked on altering a table desk to set in my sewing machine (Juki 2000) and I'm totally bummed.
The desk I used was this awesome old sturdy desk that I loved. It had a metal drawer in it. We decided to use the drawer to hold the machine. We got a cut out for the machine sized perfect. We drilled a hole through the desk to get the cords down. and the machine bounced/vibrated too much so we had to start over again...

We then added conduit under the drawer rails to add more support under the drawer... still vibrated too much...

We then took out the drawer and used the metal drawer rails and put in a piece of shelving. It still vibrated too much.

We then bolted the shelving to the conduit and it still vibrates and bounces too much.... then we gave up for the day. We'll have to try again another day.

After my father in law left (he lives a bit over an hour away) I had a thought... why not add a 2x2 length of wood in the area where the drawer goes on both sides and attach the shelving to that We could countersink a bolt going through the desk top, through the 2x2 then through the shelving. That would make it so the shelving part would be secured to the desk top not the metal rails that are there for the drawer. We can't easily remove the drawer rails. They are welded on so they're going to have to stay where they are... I wish I would have thought of that before my father in law left. I might have a working set in machine now :'( I don't know when he'll be able to come back.

My question is - has anyone altered a desk or table to set their machine in... and if so do you have much vibration? I'm beside myself. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars to buy a cabinet - and I couldn't find any for sale that I liked more than this table style desk. I'm going to use it as is for now and just sew slower than I'd like to but it will be much more comfortable than having it sit on top of the desk. I have two of those awesome table desks and might need to get a third if we can't figure this out.... now that this one has a hole in it... it isn't exactly a usable surface for anything else so it will most likely have to get chucked :'(
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