Thread: Cat spray smell
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Old 08-15-2013, 06:38 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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I wash my garbage cans out on a weekly basis big ones included. I hit them with bleach and hot water. If I need to in between, then I do. I can't stand the smell. We also have recycle dumpsters that get set on the curb every other week. I do the same to them because it isn't unusual for people to stop and throw their trash from the drive thrus into them and I have an old mop to scrub the dumpsters out. That isn't a big deal to me because at least it doesn't end up on the roadway or street. Just wish they would use the right one. My kitchen garbage can is in the utility closet. Can't stand them sitting open in the kitchen while eating. GROSSSSSSS! Can't use the deodorizing bags because they smell worse and just add to the smell. useless in my opinion. After I've cleaned and dried them, I throw about a handful of baking soda into the bottom and then put in another new bag. I do this procedure on all the garbage containers, including the ones through out the rest of the house. Works for me.
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