Old 08-16-2013, 05:11 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Belleville, MI
Posts: 142

Great job to all that is loosing. I stalled out over the last few days. I know....don't get on the scale every day. I get on every 2-3 days. I need to know. I wanted to know how weight drops so I got on every day for about 2 weeks. For me it goes even for 2-3 days, drop a pound, even several days, gain a pound, even, then drop 2 pounds. So when you get on the scale once a week you don't see when you gain that odd pound during the week. Sometimes I don't gain that odd pound. It depends on how close I stay to the diet. I only have 2 more pounds to drop to hit the 20# mark since 7-8-13 when I started.

Pam H...I thought I would have alot of trips to Goodwill....when all was said and done I only had 1 1/2 truck loads. I still have maybe 40-50 boxes left. Just moved from one side to the other. At least I did go thru them. Husbands tools, alot of craft items, boxes of fabric and yarn, books, books, more books. Why do I feel guilty getting rid of my husbands books? Most are technical books he used for work or from when he was in school-engineering. Over half the boxes are of his things. Its been 2 1/2 yrs and I still can't get rid of it. His tools-never. I use those. But the rest???? I will never use. It just takes up space. He wouldn't kept ANY THING of mine. He would have had the kids take it all or get rid of it. He didn't keep anything that wasn't useful. If it wasn't used over a years time it went.
Does it sound like I am trying to talk myself into pitching more???????

Last edited by craftygater; 08-16-2013 at 05:21 AM.
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