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Old 08-16-2013, 08:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 264
Default My daughter the quilter

Recently my youngest daughter 17, has been really interested in quilting. We went on a lovely day trip on wednesday to quilt shops and thrift stores and an antique mall, saw lots of things we would love to take home! I bought her a lovely lavender and white printed fabric for her to make a quilt with.
My score was 11 quilt books for 50 cents each ...yay me!
I also got 8 yards of cotton in a beautiful red for $1.50 per yard!

Today she raided my stash downstairs and started making her blocks. She completed one and then we decided to go to Lens Mills so get more white and purple fabric and I didn`t have enough.

She has been asking me questions and such all evening.

So proud of her!
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