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Old 08-20-2013, 05:17 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 519
Default FREE! Kenmore 52!

A while ago, it was on c/l for fifty bucks. And I emailed him, and his price was firm. I just didn't have that much, so I thanked him and went on. A week or so later, he emailed me and offered it to me for thirty! I posted that I was going to get it! I was so happy. Then, dh and I argued (unrelated to the machine) and I thought I should wait, so as not to add fuel to our fire! I emailed 'Mike' and let him know. He said no problem - just keep him posted.

Then my kids started school, and there went my sewing machine money. I sent Mike an email, thanking him for his patience with me, and apologizing. Didn't hear back. Well, what else could I do?

He emailed me yesterday, saying that he'd had zero interest other than me, and he just wanted it out of his house! We went by last night and picked it up!! for free!!

It does have some red cams, and a fruit basket full of attachments and notions. The belt that is on it has shredded in one spot - that will have to be replaced. It was his wife's grandmother's. She mostly did clothes, and they sold bins of her material at last year's yard sale. They are keeping her treadle (which he clearly thought was worth a lot) and one another machine. He didn't know what it was. I told him if it was a Singer 5-anything, to call me if they changed their minds! ;0))

Isn't that the nicest thing? I thanked him so much, my husband told me in the car that I had sounded crazy! ha ha. *sounded?* AM!!

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