Old 08-23-2013, 08:21 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Springfield Oregon
Posts: 1,481
Default Hi, I'm Jim from Springfield Oregon, never made a quilt (yet)

But I have been bitten by the sewing machine collecting and fixing up bug. I started only a couple months ago, and I've already lost count! The 1st in recent times, is a featherweight that I picked up at a local antique shop that got dropped down to $100 because it wasn't working, and I always love the challenge of trying to fix things. Just cords, no big deal. Then came 2 or 3 Singer 99's, which I love for their simplicity, then, oh yeah, the pink Wizard Citation Ten Lightweigh. After that, well, I can't resist a "good deal". I was looking for a stand for Singer 15's and 201 and stumbled on a rough looking such table at the local Goodwill for $10 -less- 10% oldtimers discount, and inside is a Singer 301, with the bobbin case still there!
Couldn't pass that up! Or the New Home Light Running or ....oh well, could be worse!
But I DO have a quilt project in my mind. I've made seatcovers and done a little upholstery, so it's possible.
Jim n
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