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Old 08-26-2013, 05:45 AM
Misty's Mom
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Originally Posted by romanojg
I don't understand the purpose of them connecting though. You can't install software on a tablet so I don't see what all benefits it would hold. Even if there was an app, the limitations would be great I'd assume. I don't even connect my pc to my machine. I put all of my designs onto an USB and then take them to my machine. I will set up my laptop by my machine especially when I'm doing color changes and not using the same threads as the orginal design calls for. My software allows me to tell it or the machine to pull all colors from my inventory that I have on hand no matter what company that makes it. I would really love to see how the Ipad works with it and what purpose it serves.

This is the time of the yr that all of the new goodies are showing up. Viking unviels their new machines next month, they have 5 of them, one with a 16in harp. Plus the new 6D Pro is being offered. I love technology and how it can really enhance our lives, as frustrating as it is at times too. If anyone knows how the ipad interacts I'd love to hear.
I agree with you 100%. Seems to me all you get to do is watch it, not worth the extra money for that. As far as the size if the screen on the machine, I configure my designs on my laptop, so no big deal to me. Go to Janomes website and it might answer your questions. Or, go to the janome 12000 yahoo group. They talk about the 15000 there also. I still want to look at it and touch it, but for the money, it won't be following me home.
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