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Old 09-05-2013, 08:05 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: San Lorenzo, CA
Posts: 5,361

Originally Posted by nanna-up-north View Post
Thanks Grant and Steve. I know I should take the tension apart on the machine I got this summer. Maybe...... I'll have enough courage to do it. .... usually I'm pretty gutsy about taking things apart and putting them back together. Once the company is gone after tomorrow..... I'm going to get at that machine.
You go girl! Seriously. do the following and you will virtually remove the chance for failure.

1. Clean around the are to be worked on (de-gunk)
2. Take at least two photos from different angles (not just close and far)
3. REMEMBER these things usually have springs in them, proceed slowly and with care. (NO Fear)
4. Have a clean piece of paper of fabric on the side, as you remove parts lay them down in a line in the order of removal.
5. When you remove the tension note the number of turns it took to remove it, (helps get you close on the reinstall)
6. If you have to remove part A to get to part B, STOP and take a picture before removing B
7. Photograph the laid out parts as soon as they are all out (because you WILL move things around)
8. Clean each part one at a time and return it to the location you got it from.
9. have your photos ready
10. reverse the above and you are done
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