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Old 09-08-2013, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Jean45 View Post
Be careful with the old Army/wool blankets. When our daughter was an infant I put one in the bottom of her basket and a flannel sheet on top of that. She had some allergies but then they got worse, to the point she ended up in the hospital in an oxygen tent. The doctor told us there was no hope for her except one last .....something that was experimental. Her breathing got much better. Brought her home and it flared again. It was the wool she was allergic too. She is 44 yrs old now, lives in MN where it would be a help if she could wear wool but doesn't.
I'm sorry about your daughters allergies. I would recommend asking anyone if they have allergies and what they are allergic to. No one that I know of in my family is allergic to wool. But, there are a lot of different allergies in my family. 2 relatives have a severe allergy to penicillin, myself and another cousin are allergic to nickel (you would not believe what problems this causes - like some sweaters have metallic yarn! One cousin had severe respiratory problems around perfume. One day we were shopping and two little old ladies walked by her smelling like they dumped the whole bottle on them. I had to drag my cousin out of the store into fresh air. It took her a few minutes to overcome it. Store employees would not have known what her problem was if she had been alone. This was over 45 years ago. Two of my youngest son's class mates when he was in elementary school had severe allergies to peanuts.

I'm saying all this because there are so many allergies out there. Some, like your daughter, the penicillin and peanut allergies can be deadly.

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