Old 09-10-2013, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by dabbler312 View Post
Brian's sisters used to use orange juice cans in their hair so they could get a curl - I practiced and practiced with a curling iron and then saved my money for hot rollers. Did anyone ever have those commercial glamour shots done - person would go in and they would do your hair and makeup and there were all kinds of different settings - the hair was huge; the photographer said that you loose about 25% of your hair volume in photos so they make it extra big for the camera. I had mile high hair by the time they were finished and enough makeup on my face that I needed a chisel to get it off. Those truly were back in the day. Now I have straight flat hair - it's super fine and fly away; I only color it - I haven't had a perm in 15+ years - I found a volume powder that works wonders and gives me the illusion of having lots of hair. The things we do to have nice hair.
I say this red faced...yes, I recall the Glamour Shots..actually did the whole thing with a group of friends..LOL...so funny what seems like a fine idea may seem rather um "loony" years later, eh? Here's the "kicker": at the time we all worked for the same eye Dr. The next day we all had red eyes, puffy, itchy, etc...one by one the eye Dr examined each of us and found we ALL had same thing going on..finally dawned on me that while the make-up people used a a new disposable mascara brush to apply our mascara, after they did 1 eye they put the same brush back into the mascara before applying it to other eye...so the 2nd pass thru it had everyone's "stuff" on it!! We all were put on rx eye drops and all were ok, but the irony that we all worked for an eye Dr and didn't clue in to bring our own make-up was just hilarious to me..what a bunch of "goofuses" we were! Let me tell you, by the time 3rd gal was getting her eyes checked I think our boss/eye Dr wanted to throttle us! He ended up shaking his head and laughing at our stupidity, too...
Got Lynnie's runner all bordered and ready to sandwich and quilt.. I have a ??? How do y'all determine what color thread to quilt with? I am trying to "branch out" and do more fmq along with using vibrant fabric instead of muslin on the back.. my main ? now is what color thread to use, and what other quilt stitch will work when quilting runner with large applique area.. do you quilt over applique? I never have, but then again I haven't done much fmq.. I usually revert back to hand quilting or outline/echo quilting with a neutral thread..
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