Thread: Mom Sayings
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Old 09-12-2013, 08:38 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Default Mom Sayings

Some were good - some not so good -
Any that you recall from your family?

"Some people just hate to have their opinions confused by facts" - when Man was 'on a roll'

"Dibble dabble, play in the gravel" - when child was playing in the sand/gravel after a rain

"I made it to be good" - when complimented on something she had cooked

"Let sleeping dogs lie" - when asked about circumstances surrounding her divorce

"Perfection is impossible; however, excellence is attainable" - when commenting on something she or I had made

"No point in crying over spilled milk - there's the bucket and sponge - go clean it up" - pretty much her approach to a lot of things.
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