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Old 09-13-2013, 04:38 AM
Retired Fire Chief
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Saginaw Michigan
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The memory is still so fresh, even though it has been so many years. I was in Lansing at the annual fire inspectors educational conference with 250 fire prevention specialists from all over the state when we learned of the first plane during the morning's daily announcements. The Kellogg Center on MSU's campus were our conferences are held immediately set up televisions in the lobby for us to watch. Our training day turned into watching the second plane, the towers falling and all the other horrible events. Many of my colleges were called home from fear of more attacks. Many of us cried, many of us were just staring in disbelief. When I returned home on Friday afternoon, my husband was watching the news, they were showing extinguishment still in progress and still the disbelief of the country that something could happen like this in America. My husband and I fell into each others arms and we both cried openly for a long time. As a firefighter, I will never forget and can imagine how the firefighters felt during their pending doom. God bless them all.
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