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Old 09-13-2013, 10:05 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Oh, QuilterMomma, I would LOVE to be there to help you. I really like to organize things, especially sewing rooms! You asked how to start.

First, get a big glass of water and then set a timer for 15 minutes.

Looking at just that area pictured, take everything out and put it in the hall or spare bed --somewhere close that you're not tripping over and it. Don't try to organize anything, just pull it out and empty that space for now. Seeing a huge expanse of free space will make you SMILE and start helping you feel NOT overwhelmed. It will also force you not to keep anything/put anything back that you don't need or love.

After 15 minutes, set your timer for 5 minutes and gather 4 things: 1 BIG trash can , biggest you can find. 1 for giveaway/sell, 1 for keep, 1 for CAN'T decide (unless you are very decisive). The idea is to make quick decisions, don't overthink.

Set your timer for 25 more minutes. Sort your fabrics into color piles. Do it FAST. Don't pet your fabric, don't wax nostalgic, don't plan your next quilt, don't overthink, don't grab fabric from the other side of the room. Focus on this area we see in the picture, It's enough for now. Just sort fabric by color as fast as you can.

In the time remaining, fold in a ROYGBIV'ly way. Reds, Oranges, Yellows, etc. I love the ruler method I saw on youtube. Makes everything look as neat as quilt shop stash> . When you hear the timer, stop! Breathe. Take another big drink of water. Admire your progress.

That was 45 minutes. I am only good for 45 when I'm overwhelme
d. I can ruler fold fabric in front the of the TV because it's mindless. But if you find you're just moving piles around and not getting rid of anything, you need to stop.

Think how much fun we, your QB friends, will have looking at your progress (DO take pictures as you go!) and then at shopping your stash when (not if) you decide to offer it up to us!!

You can do this. 45 minutes. 4 Boxes. Attitude and clothes on. GO!
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