Old 02-24-2008, 07:30 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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C'mon, now. Confess. At least once in your life you've come across a block that scares the stuffin' out of you. You gasp! You turn that page or hit the "next" button at twice the speed of light.

Been there. Done that. In fact, there are still a few I'm hiding from. (ok. not a few. several. :lol: )

But what if one of those really scary blocks is the one you most want to make? What it it would be THE perfect block for a gift quilt? What if you've run out of blocks you haven't already done 100 times and you're itchin' for something new?

We'll talk today about different ways to look at a scary block. Ignore the instructions we have. Take that sucker apart on paper, then put it back together in a way that makes more sense to our specific brain.

We'll use the Interwoven Puzzle block as our sample. NOT because I want to push disinterested parties into making the block against their will. Simply because the IP has been a hot topic of discussion lately, anyway. Using the IP was easier than going in search of another block to talk about. Even if you've sworn on a stack of matchbooks you will NEVER make the IP, I hope you'll join us today. You might get a few ideas you can use another time, on another block you've been avoiding.

5 fabrics; each in a different color. 1 will be your background.
freezer paper
rotary ruler
rotary cutter
seam ripper (my best friend :lol: )
templates (pick one of the attached files)

if your computer and sewing machine are too far apart, bring along a marking pen to mark seam allowances, plus a needle and thread so you can hand stitch a sample.

Prep for Template Method:
iron freezer paper to regular paper
print your templates on the freezer paper side
peel away the freezer paper and cut out the templates
(if you have too hard a time peeling it off, make another sheet by ironing the freezer paper onto some scrap fabric. run that through your printer, instead, make sure the template prints on the freezer paper side.)
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