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Old 09-17-2013, 07:29 AM
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I dont wear white anyway. Too messy.

I did go to a wedding once. The bride wore white, veil, the whole 9 yards. Her 7th marriage! Not a friend if mine but I was sorry I "witnessed" the charade!

But, i do wear colors to wakes and funerals. Not all black. It is a celebration of a life and their memory. You are there to pay respects but I really dont believe anyone is offended if your outfit is in good taste, you are not flashing body parts and you are not trying to draw attention to yourself. Be reasonable.

In the tradition of my denomination, the "funeral" service is the celebration of the Ressurection. The Easter service, in fact. Of course we grieve but that service uplifts and renews me. I wear some color. My faith carries me thru the rest. I dont believe the deceased would be offended to have color and warm hearts paying respect.

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