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Old 09-17-2013, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Scuddles View Post
Hello everyone, I want to thank all of you for the information you had given me about pre washing and steam. I never completed a quilt yet. I had my eye on the double hour glass. So I went to JoAnns fabric and bought all my fabric. I washed everything in cold water, dried and pressed. I started cutting out my strips, my sewing machine is a Brother and I started sewing. I then put each block on my flannel wall, to see if I liked it that way. Lets just say I have started a scrap pile. I started crying, ( it has to be hormones, I cry at everything ) My husband felt so bad, he went out and bought me a Singer Fashion mate machine. This time I wanted to make a Rail Fence. I saw on a web site, a June Taylor a Shape, Cut,Pro mat. I love it, every newbie should buy it. So I cut my strips and sewed sewn (however you spell it, lol ) the strips together. I did not know you are supposed to make sure the stitches lock so after all that, I noticed the stitches didn't lock. I changed the tension, I threaded the machine over and the bobbin over. So a friend came over to look at it and said the machine was a lemon. Once again the tears came and my scrap pile got bigger. My hubby took it back and took me to Joanne's fabric and bought me a Husqvarna Viking. I thought you had to order it on line, but they had them right in the store. He bought me the machine and she showed me a bunch of stuff and told me there are free classes, I forgot the date but it's on the calender. I still want to make the Rail Fence quilt. I bought fabric online and I am waiting and I haven't received it yet. Last night I was getting my stuff all together so all I would need would be the fabric. I was changing the blade in my rotary cutter and I sliced the tip of my finger. Again the tears came, not from hormones There was blood everywhere, he called my neighbor who is a nurse to see if I would need stitches. I had a tetnus shot 3 years ago and they are good for 10 years. She said no, but she wrapped me up good and she put these little rubber thing on my finger. I can't take the site of blood so I was light headed and nauseous. My husband took out about 3 or 4 lysol wipes to clean it all. Of course it would have to happen on my right hand, the hand I use. OMG, I didn't realize how long my letter was. Oh well, I have to start buying fabric once again. If anyone knows where there are beginners quilt patterns, Could you please send me the link. I already love Jenny and all of her great tutorials.
Happy Quilting, Lori
Oh, dear. This isn't going well for you.

If you don't know how to use your machine, please take the classes offered by the store.

If you can - sign up for and take a beginner class.
Learn that instructor's way - (being aware that there are other ways) -

Sometimes too much input just makes one crazy.
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