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Old 09-18-2013, 08:23 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
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Posts: 3,207

A last minute post before I head off to bed. I finally finished my round on Miriam's block today. All went well until the last edge and then I could never get the corner blocks to fit! I must have taken those pesky things apart and remade them at least 3 times. Finally, I think I got it done. I think I do not want to be a pattern designer. Why I could do two and then not do the other two the same, I will never know. Must have been those quilt gremlins hanging around! Anyhow, here 'tis and hope you like it TRF. :-) Now- drum roll...I have been so lucky to get to see what Miriam (TRF) did to Teresa's block first before anyone else. I am still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. I love it plus I can hardly wait to see what she does to mine. :-) I think this is one of the neat things about doing a round robin, since this is my first. But so fun to get to see what you all come up with. Things I would NEVER have even thought of and what wonderful ideas. For instance, on Jan's (Jaba) I can just imagine the quilting on the solid fabric with a light purple thread and a swirly design and it will really set off the rest of the quilt. As for my red & white one...all I can think of is red and white but no designs so am curious to see what you all come up with! :-) Okay...enough rattling on. Will attach pics and Brat, I will mail off the package to you tomorrow.
Attached Thumbnails miriam-9-18-large-.jpg   teresa-9-17a-large-.jpg   teresa-9-17b-large-.jpg  
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