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Old 09-19-2013, 02:08 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 221

Whatever you choose, I think it would be more apt to sell if it were ready to gift. Meaning you've got a special wrap. Either provide gift wrapping for free or make a cloth bag for the item. Something so that once they've purchased it from you they are 'done' with that person's gift. Just a spark of an idea. Put together kits for kids to make ornaments. Some kind of craft package that can be given as a gift for kids to do during school break or before the holidays for them to give as gifts ie something for their teacher. (a styrafoam apple? Or ball etc. strips of fabric a small bottle of elmers glue, kid safe, rick rack or ribbon for a hanger). Make a package so that mom doesn't have to hunt up the glue, for example. Big office supply stores usually have big sales right now for school supplies. I can't say that they would sell, but they might be unique enough to. Good luck, it is a tough market.
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