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Old 09-19-2013, 03:22 AM
wpbmommy1's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: South Florida
Posts: 89
Default I really need to get more sleep

This morning I saw my daughter wearing her school uniform khaki pants and they were SO wrinkled there was no way I was going to let her go to school looking like that.

I said, "Give them to me and I'll iron them while you're making your lunch."

I took them to my sewing room, where the full size ironing board was set up. I don't usually have the full size ironing board there. I leave it in my room and I have a small one I made for when I have to iron fabric as I'm piecing. {Mistake one, I should have put it back where it usually stays}

I plugged it in, threw her pants up there, and absentmindedly grabbed the aerosol can on my sewing table. {Mistake two, that aerosol can didn't belong there and I should have put it back where it normally stays}

So I sprayed her pants, the iron was hot and I put it on the pants but when I tried to slide it, there was resistance. {Do you see where I am going with this?}

I touched the pants, only to find that they were sticky. I was wondering if something was on the bottom of the iron...then I realized...instead of spray starch, I sprayed Basting spray on her pants!!!

WOW!! Luckily she has a couple of pairs of pants and shorts she can wear.

I immediately threw the pants into the washer on a soak cycle until I can get to them when I get home.

Nice momming, courtesy of me.

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