Old 09-24-2013, 08:46 PM
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EasyPeezy - great idea! Can vinegar/water replace starch altogether? or it's just for the stubborn wrinkles?

Leakus - check. I will peel this board apart once I'm finished with this top. For now, it's "OK" but I'd like better. I know that the thin pads I had from commercial ironing board covers seemed to give me hassle (I'd get the pattern of the ironing board on the fabric), so I upped the layers, per some site I found online, but it's obviously not helping me.

Jan - Thanks for your well thought out response Re: the chemicals, I usually prewash, but for some reason my cousin made me promise not to with this one. When I expressed a concern about shrinkage, she said it would give it that nice bunched appearance. So, with a lesser quality fabric, washing it would potentially make it easier to iron?

I've been playing with EQ, I totally get what you're saying about a quilt telling you what it wants to look like. As it is, I mocked this quilt up in EQ, despite having the pattern, because I wanted to see how accurate EQ was for yardage, and while I was at it, I changed the borders, and distribution of colors (apparently my brain implodes if I use more than 3 or 4 colors in a quilt. )

DogHouseMom - In the fridge?

GailG - I'm glad my confusion helped you out.

valleyquiltermo - Check. The bed is my own, so I did the measurements, which luckily corresponded with what the Interwebs had to say. I would definitely agree that getting the measurements for a gift would be a must.

zozee - I'm not sure if the iron is getting properly hot. It's more than sufficient to burn me every time I iron, but that doesn't seem to be an indicator of whether the fabric thinks it's hot stuff. I suppose I could find out how hot it's supposed to be and use our digital thermometer thingy on it.

NJ Quilter - I normally pre-wash everything. This one has not been, due to a promise to my cousin. I have noticed that pre-washed or not, I seem to have this problem, which might be why I didn't think to mention it. What is the nesting thing? We have cats who do sleep in the bedroom, and a dog that doesn't.

I can't remember the last time I saw a pillow tuck, other than at a hotel. Most of our friends don't do it, that I'm aware of. That said, this one is for our bed, so it's all good. No pillow tuck for us either, even though it would look neater.

Tartan - thanks for that chart. That agrees with some of the sites online. So, the 108" is meant to be for the length then. That must be a pillow tuck? Otherwise, I can only envision one huge ruffle... I suspect you're right and I would have been happier washing this fabric. It would have been ironed right out of a cool dryer.

Charlee - Ha! Good point! We have a foot board, so the quilt is usually tucked in, but in this climate, in the next several months, I definitely want my toes covered!

toverly - this is a good point. We've been considering a different mattress. Maybe I won't "short" the dimensions, in case the new mattress is taller.

PaperPrincess - Thanks I think what I want to do is make it without the pillow tuck, then make some matching shams. I will adjust my borders accordingly. As it sits, the body of the quilt would just cover the surface of the bed. My borders will determine the drop / pillow tuck area.
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