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Old 09-28-2013, 12:48 PM
Luv Quilts and Cats
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I had hoped to get all my chores done today so that I could work on a couple of small princess applique quilts this weekend. I want to make them for Christmas gifts for two special little girls, my sister's-in-law grandnieces. Well here it is 4:45, have not started anything on the projects yet, not all chores done due to company dropping in this afternoon, which was a lovely time though. Sigh...laundry I can put off till tomorrow, cooking something for the week ahead can be done tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be too pooped to finish tracing the applique patterns tonight! I had hoped to get that done then start hunting through my stash for fabric. Well, maybe I can do some hunting tonight. Best laid plans.... I need to win the lottery so I can quit working to quilt all week!! LOL!
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