Old 09-29-2013, 12:48 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Lovely runner that terriamn sent you! And I must tell you I am right there with you on fmq... But, this month I not only did some fmq on my swapee's runner, but I actually left it in!! Woo-hoo!! I didn't take my seam ripper to it, and revert back to straight line quilting and hand quilting. My hubby was impressed, as he has been known to say he thinks I like taking out my quilting more than the actual quilting..the turkey.. This time I proved him wrong!
Hope things get better for you soon.. It's no fun having health issues, but I try and keep in mind that things could be worse for my family and I.. doesn't mean I don't have my days of feeling "down", tho. I think that's only human. Now my toes are tappin' too, waiting to see what you found for Brat!!
Loving the fabrics in your quilt!
Regards all,
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