Old 10-01-2013, 07:10 AM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by Alondra View Post
Do you use a microwave? That's a great way to encourage cancer, not to mention totally changing the chemical structure of your food, so that your body doesn't recognize it as food. Do you drink water or drinks from plastic bottles? Another hazard. In the world we live in today, you have to pick your poison... it's all around us, and we could easily become "crazy," just listening to all the blather out there. And speaking of drinking water... do you REALLY know what's in your drinking water? You might try sending a sample of it off to a lab for analysis, if you really want a good reason to freak out. <G> If I lived in California, I'd be FAR more concerned about the ubiquitous radiation contamination from Fukushima than anything else these days. Did they tell you about that? Bet not! USE YOUR OVEN AND ENJOY IT IN PEACE!

Nice way to politicize a thread.

Send it back Vickey if you feel uncomfortable about using it, I would.
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