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Old 10-01-2013, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: California girl
Posts: 67

Well we hadn't been to a wedding for many years. Then one from our church popped up and I always like to do something unique...but for me it was special and tothem not so well. They sent oout their announcements that were love birds (black) sitting on a limb with light teal in the off to World Market we went and saw there a nice picture of the very same thing but it also had Love printed on it, well we got that and then as it wasn't very much being on sale I wanted to add to it. So for the wrapping I found a really nice basket in which I placed the picture, then added some teal tissue paper and then we found these sprays of yellow flowers and some white ones also that we added to the whole package. It looked so very nice. The guests at the wedding thought it was one of the decorations of the wedding. Very Oriental looking piece. But we never received a thank you and once I slight asked how they liked the picture (to me it would look good in bath and it would be a reminder of their wedding theme) but nothing at you have to be very careful aboout these things when you don't know the couple well.

If you are going to make something homemade why not one of the casserole holders? and Maybe some of the microwave bowls to o with it? These are very simple and would be used lots. As a young couple they probably would use the casserole takers many times and those microwave bowls are just the handiest things to have around. You can make them any size you want from a soup bowl to a large bowl.
Good luck!
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