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Old 10-01-2013, 11:09 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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If you really don't know them or their tastes, I would find out if they have registered at some store. Purchase something on their list, you are safe as it is something they have picked out. If not registered, I would not spend time or money on any homemade items. So many of them now don't even sit down to a table and have a meal family style. Many don't even know what placemats or tablerunners are for or even how to decorate a home.....[maybe I'm just thinking of my sons ex.]

ps: Besides loving your avatar, I love your "name" SavedByGrace

Jennifer, Jn3:16

Originally Posted by SavedByGrace View Post
I'm not thinking about making an actual quilt.....I was thinking more along the lines of placemats, table runner, something like that.....something fairly simple and inexpensive. Just don't want to come across as cheap, but don't really want to give a cash gift either.
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