Thread: Jury Duty
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:31 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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When I've been called into jury duty it's been because of drunk drivers having done bodily injury I get dismissed early because I've lost two family member to drunk drivers and the one's daughter was badly injured and unable to go to her mother's funeral. My husband has no tolerance for domestic violence and has been called to jury duty only to be let go also. He tells them he has a rope in his truck and will let them use it. One attorney actually said "This is a serious matter and not to make joke of it. " DH told them he wasn't joking. He came from an abusive domestic violence background and had absolutely no tolerance for batterers of any species. He has no children because of what his father did to him. He has never raised his hand toward me. My first husband swung at me with a broken beer bottle and missed. I didn't miss with my rolling pin. After that incident I filed for divorce. Luckily, our son didn't see it.
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