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Old 10-05-2013, 11:02 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Long Island
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love the quilted ornaments, and those tated ones are beautiful.

more tales of woe...I can't tat. the only thing left on my list of things to do is to learn how to tat. no one here to teach me, no classes, oh sooo sad!!!!!

another tales of woe, and this is "woe". dr. gave us this ugly medicine to give our cat, the great princess on high, miss ZOEY. well of course, she's the only cat in history that hates this med, so the doc told us to put it on her paw,
ohhhh BIG mistake. picture this... had Christmas fab on kitchen table ready to start cutting, gave the princess her daily dose on her paw. You would of thought I cut her finger off. First the howl, then the worst of the worst. (close your eyes if you're squeamish) she swung the paw like a wrecking ball, that brownish jelly went flying all over the kitchen, dining area, all over my handmade curtains and lastly, all over my Christmas fabric that I was about to cut!!!. getting the goo off was a mess, I ruined the curtains and we don't even want to discuss my Christmas fabric. it's terrible, a distaster, and everyone should feel really bad for me and send those ornaments to me right away to make me feel better.
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