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Old 12-02-2009, 10:40 AM
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My DSIL is British, and when he first introduced my daughter to his family, he played a mean trick on her. She had been saying things like "working her fanny off" or "wearing a fanny pack", etc. Every time she said the word "fanny", her future MIL would cringe and make a face. She found out later that the word "fanny" which means "bottom" here in the states, is actually the "front part of the female anatomy" in England. She was so embarrassed when she found out... :oops:
Another thing she did when visiting over there--they were having drinks and her future FIL asked her if she would like a "top up" on her drink. We say "top off" the drink, meaning to refill it. When she finally wanted more drink in her glass, she told him she was ready to take her "top off" now. Eyebrows were raised...! She has many more stories like this one. They provide some fun conversations for us! :lol:
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