Old 10-07-2013, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by grann of 6 View Post
I have a funny Santa story from when my kids were little. Youngest DS was about 3 1/2, maybe 4 1/2 and we were having a discussion about Santa. Our family never made any big deal about Santa, so I was trying to explain to him that at one time there was a Saint Nicholas who delivered gifts to the children of his village, etc. So a couple days later the neighbor boy was over playing, the same age as my DS. All of a sudden the kid ran home screaming, "I'm telling my mom!" Shortly the phone rang and the neighbor was on the phone asking what went on, that her son came home all hysterical crying that Santa was dead. So I got my DS aside and asked him what happened with Bradley. He says, " It's time he knew the truth. I told him Santa was dead." The boy was always and still is, a person of very few words, and doesn't waste them. I still laugh at that, but the neighbor didn't think it was so funny. I learned then that kids take things so literally, that we have to be really careful how we word things.
I wonder how his mom explained it.

It's fun watching kids grow into having a sense of humor, without taking things literally. When mine were very young, almost every time my dh would tell my son (around 3 yo) something (usually exaggerated), ds would turn to me for affirmation.
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