Old 10-07-2013, 11:34 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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That bathroom will have to be split 3 ways, girls! Apple pie crepes?!! And none for Kif??? Awww, Brat, come on now...I wasn't really even feeling hungry, and now I am picturing that dessert and I really can't sleep!! Boo-hoo
Mom does most of the cooking here. When she 1st moved out here to the "boonies" with us it was um, rather interesting. It was 2 years prior to her lung cancer diagnosis, dh and I were also blissfully unaware of our "health issues" to come. Anywhose, 1 strong willed mother+1 strong willed daughter + 1 kitchen= fun times. We both were just used to cooking in our own kitchens.. One day not long after, yours truly "wised up" and thought to self, "Now she taught me to cook, she loves to cook, I like it fine, too..but really?? More Mom cooks = more time for me to do something else..and still get to eat mmm...mmmm..good food!". So, that was that! There are times since Mom will ask me if I am sure I don't want to cook today? I tell her no thanks, I'm good..and off to quilt, er I mean dust, vacuum, clean I go.. Honestly, cooking is the one thing Mom can do that doesn't tire her out. I do all the other household tasks, and it all works out just fine. While we didn't have apple pie crepes tonight we did have double fudge brownies (I did make those, I cook most of the desserts). For dinner Mom made brisket, fried okra, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and pretzel rolls. And here it is 2:30 am and I am hungry...lol
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