Old 10-09-2013, 04:52 AM
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After much thought, I just want to let my Secret Santa know, I do not expect homemade. Homemade anything is nice to me. Bookmarks, mug rug, cheery or art like wall hangings are very welcome. A pretty candle mat or table runner is nice also. I just don't want to put anyone to too much trouble. Secret Santa is fun! (No stress, no worries.)

I am having a great time both filing my Santa box and making some delightful goodies. I share this experience with my mom as well and she has just as much fun helping me decide what to put in the box and what to create or buy. I don't seem to see any clues that apple to me. But, I'm not that well versed about the area I live in. I've been transplanted here from FL and really miss home. So, if I haven't even gotten a "clue", forgive me. lol
Originally Posted by Judith1005 View Post
Ok Dreamer, here's the measurements of my machine, just in case my Secret Santa has a few minutes to turn out a cover for me. My machine in 16 1/2" long by 7 1/4" wide by 11 1/2" tall. Hope this helps you Santa. I wonder if my giftee needs one also. hm, will have to ponder on that for a bit. I guess I'll go spy ahem, I mean eavesdrop, oops, I meant peak in on my Secret Giftee and see if she has mentioned anything anywhere else. I do come here daily and have a look around.
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