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Old 10-11-2013, 05:37 PM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by RedGarnet222 View Post
You should try carob then gran. It is kind of like eating chocolate and honey. I love it myself. The health food section should have it like a powder or in chips for cookies. I use the Hershey's chocolate powder to make my cake, so most of my recipes are interchangeable with the carob.
I have carob here, carob chips and carob powder. It is just not the same, doesn't send out that wonderful aroma. I did a test with my DGKs one time with carob chips vs. choc chips. They couldn't tell the difference. But the older boy said, "where's the chocolate smell?" I don't eat a lot of sweets anyway, so it really is no problem. I just don't allow anyone to bring chocolate into the house or I will eat some, and then get a migraine.
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