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Old 10-12-2013, 01:18 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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The food ornys sound super cute! Mom and I have made a few crocheted foods..some strips of bacon, made into lil fridge magnet for ds, as he loves bacon!
I hear ya on migraines, grann...I used to get them twice a month, hormonally, like clockwork.. total hysterectomy in 2005 took care of most of them. I very occasionally get one now and again, used to give myself Imitrex injections, but the nasal version works just as well...and I can do without the shots! As for my cholesterol, I just try and watch my diet (some). When I tried to take statins in the past they made my liver enzymes go way out of whack..gotta have my liver. I also have tried Niacin, made me sick. Seems like since I've been on my Lupus med, my cholesterol has come down...I also always thought migraines were only hormonally related in my case, but now know they are not uncommon in us "lupies".
Ah well, as I say, " In the garden of life, everyone has a row to hoe, some people just have more weeds...".
Take care all!
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