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Old 10-12-2013, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Redsquirrel View Post
Wow, yeah, that would make me feel upset with myself too, but this happens. If I new that my Strawberry Shortcake dolls from the 80's were going to be as collectible as they are now, I would never have let my mom get rid of them. I'm using that as an example not a comparison.
Oh gosh, I still have my daughter's Strawberry Shortcake dolls with some clothes and that plastic strawberry that you can store some of them in. Also have a bundle of her Cabbage Patch Kids that I just could never get rid of but I know there are a ton of them out there so not worth much. Of course she now only has boys so here they all sit. And yes, I got rid of my Mom's sewing machine too and although it was nothing special, it was in great shape as was the cabinet. But one must move on ............
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