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Old 10-13-2013, 12:09 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default Purging purging purging!

I know a lot of you love having tons of fabric in your stash. I am not in that category....i have spent the last day or so purging fabric, fabric scraps, UFOs that will never get completed. Donating 2 trash bags of the the aforementioned items to a local senior citizen group who make charity quilts. Donating misc "yardage" to our churches' international outreach program for third world sewing projects. my sewing room is starting to feel more manageable with less......getting rid of totes and those plastic drawer things. They end up storing fabric that will never get used. They take up too much room. 4/GONE!

Today my home office is the target. Good grief! The empty binders, the sheet protectors, the empty hanging file folders, etc. Going to Goodwill! Unfiled documents!! I hate filing but must do so on some of them. Pitching...recycling paper. My goal is to eliminate this area that is for the most part.....unused. The desk is a monster! I am a horizontal surface is safe!! Feel overwhelmed but productive!

Anyone else go thru this??

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