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Old 10-14-2013, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by twinkie View Post
I don't know if I am the only one who does this or not, but if I go into a fabric department or store that has a great sale on, I buy things I don't even know if I can use or not.

About 6 months ago I went into a Wal Mart store. They had a cart up front that said $2 each. In the cart were packages of 6 coordinating fabrics that totalled 2 yards. I got a few of those and then they had packages of 24, 2 1/2" strips, WOF, that were some nice and some "far out". But, for only $2 each, how could I go wrong?

There was one that had navy, turquoise, lime green and burnt orange in far out designs. I finally decided to just sew them together and make a charity lap quilt. I went into my stash closet and found a piece of juvenile teddy bear fabric that had those exact same colors in it. I decided to cut it into strips and alternate the strips with the far out strips. I was able to make 3 baby quilt tops. They wouldn't have been what I would have set out to do but I would like your honest opinion. Would you go ahead and quilt these? Or, are they too weird?

This is one of the tops
The juvenile fabric was a yard and a half, 58" wide and I
ended up with 3 baby quilt tops $2 plus this fabric from my stash.

Let me know what you think. I can take it. Honest.
BY ALL MEANS - do quilt!! Kids LOVE the bright colors - and I think this is a fun and happy quilt!
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