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Old 10-15-2013, 07:41 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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cheerio I don't mind cat spit.
mary, I live in a fairly small town, but then again, I live on long island new York, so even our small towns are big here.if you get off the line, you may never get back on. an old lady passed out today, I swear to the quilt faries she did. or maybe she just wanted to get ahead in the line.
pattia, a lot of people do the ornament and pincushion swap. I do both. get ready with an idea, our new hostess says she's doing November too, so I made the roasted turkey for it. still need to make one more pin cuhion for next month. My kitty ZOEY is trying to get my attention. she puts me to bed every night, then goes and watches tv with dh for awhile. comes in with him and sleeps between the two of us. (or on top of me). so you see, cheerio, cat spit doesn't bother me, just means they kissed it extra for me!
goodnight all, happy quilting
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