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Old 10-17-2013, 02:28 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Oh Kiffie, how sad, I feel your pain. Three yrs ago, I had to put my Maine coon down after 8 yrs of pure pleasure with him. I still think I see Xanadu out of the corner of my eye. My dh swears when he gets to the hole on the 6th green, his ball always disappears, he Xanadu took it again. You're probably seeing your darling Buttons, they come back to let us know they are o.k. and to settle our hearts. it's kinda like this. When you're watching tv, you see what's on channel 5, all the frequencies are running around in the room, but you can't see them till you "tune in" to the channel, so when you put on channel 4,channel 4 comes on, but it was in the room all along, you just weren't "tuned in" to it. now you are. so our relatives are with us all along, we just aren't tuned into it. so...your baby Buttons has come to say hi. My Xanadu came a lot at first, he knew we still needed him. We have Zoey now, his pic is still up, but he knows Zoey is taking care of us now. I still talk to him, as I do my aunt and grandparents. They help me thru the rough times. I'll have Xanadu say hi to Buttons for you.

soooo, no one got their pkg from me today. those liars at the post office, they said by Thursday, definitely Friday. well, you better get your goodies tomorrow. they didn't have to go to farr, at least I don't think so. ( I was never good in geography). after you go past NYC you're on the west coast to me. maybe my people didn't get home yet, so they didn't get their pkg yet. I'm going out to a dinner, sponsored by the gazette here in the condo,us deliveres get a free dinner once a year. i'll ck when I get home. happy quilting.
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