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Old 10-18-2013, 03:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: in the middle of nowhere
Posts: 933

Lynnie, I completely agree with the overpopulation. That is a problem here with the deer. We do however have a rule set for conservation of the big bucks and does. We try to only take bucks over a certain age and the same with the does. Usually its the older ones that we know have been here for awhile and on the downward slope of horn growth and breeding. Same goes for the does, we try to make sure they are not pregnant and do not have young. We have the normal season here and also get permits for crop damage during the summer. So alot of rules when it does come to harvesting. Most of these rules apply to all the game here, bear, fox, turkey, grouse, etc. I know alot of people dont like hunting and think it is cruel but it is necessary to maintain a healthy environment. Also, some of the families here have no choice. Its a matter of eating or starving. During these season we only take what we know we can eat and in the event that extra is there we donate it to a local organization that processes it and gives it to the needy. I believe that alot of the public doesnt understand the process and think we are just out there to kill for the fun. Trust me once you hear an animal that has not been hit correctly you learn there is nothing fun about it. The time and memories you can make while hunting with kids and family can also be great. I have tons of memories hunting with my grandfather, dad, uncles, and cousins that are priceless to me. To answer your question about the hides. Yes, we have keep some of the more unusual ones and have tanned them and hung them on the wall. We also have some of the larger bucks mounted for the wall. Not much goes to waste. Even the remains that cant be used for our personal use are given to feed the habitat here. Thanks for the support. I figured I would have gotten on today and found someone blasting me for it. Its a way of life. I think everyone should try it at least once, even if you dont harvest an animal, just being out in nature relaxing and in the quiet is amazing.

Last edited by mdall; 10-18-2013 at 04:02 PM.
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